Your Speaker - Earl Pitts

Earl Pitts, (from Toronto, Canada) speaks to us on "The Power of Money" at a large gathering in Bern, Switzerland.

A video teaching course with twelve short video clips. At the end of the course, you can download an e-book, "The Closed Circle." This will help put this teaching into practice.

Course curriculum

    1. Earl Pitts in Conference

    1. 1a. Money in God's Kingdom

    2. 1b. Wealth

    3. 1c. God or Mammon - the Choice

    4. 1d. The Problem with Riches

    1. 2a. The Influence of the Mammon Spirit

    2. 2b. How Much is Enough? Closing Your Financial Circle.

    3. 2c. Establishing God as our Source

    4. 2d. How God Provides - Three Ways

    1. 3a. Working Your Closed Circle

    2. 3b. Jesus and Mammon

    3. 3c. Overflow & Multiplication

    4. 3d. Resumé of the Course Teaching

    1. Download the e-book: "The Circle."

    2. The Compass 'Closed Circle' Spending Plan

    3. Continue the Journey - a Reading Assignment

Course content

  • €39,90
  • 16 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content
  • Downloadable "Budget Manager" spreadsheets.
  • E-book 'The Closed Circle."
  • Reading material

Prepare to be challenged!

Discover another way of thinking about using your money as a believer.