Why Follow This Course?

A message from Radovan Ivanko from Slovakia

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome from your course teacher!

    2. What are the envisaged outcomes of this course?

    3. What is a Compass Partner??

    4. Course Introduction

    5. Course Overview

    6. Intro Video

    7. Open your workbook to reflect on the introduction

    1. 1.1. Back to the GOD Standard - The Problem.

    2. Open your workbook to reflect on this topic, "Back to the GOD Standard - the Problem."

    3. 1.2. Back to the GOD Standard - The Solution

    4. Open your workbook to reflect on this topic, "Back to the GOD Standard - the Solution."

    5. 1.3. Back to the GOD Standard - The Practice

    6. Open your workbook to reflect on this topic, "Back to the GOD Standard - the Practice."

    7. 1.4. Application: Back to the GOD Standard

    8. Open your workbook to reflect on the application

    9. Real-life Case Study

    10. Open your workbook to reflect on the case study

    11. 1.5. Wrapping-up: Back to the God Standard

    1. 2.1. The Competitor - Mammon Unmasked

    2. Open your workbook to reflect on this topic, "Mammon Unmasked."

    3. 2.2. The Competitor: Mammon in the Bible

    4. Open your workbook to reflect on this topic., "Mammon in the Bible."

    5. 2.3. The Competitor: Mammon Overcome

    6. Open your workbook to reflect on this topic, "Mammon Overcome."

    7. Open your workbook to reflect on this topic, "Mammon's Influence."

    8. 2.4. Application: For further reflection

    9. 2.5. Wrapping-up: The Competitor - mammon

    1. 3.1. Making the Right Decisions

    2. Open your workbook to reflect on this topic, "Making the Right Decisions."

    3. 3.2. Start to Create Your Financial Future

    4. Open your workbook to reflect on this topic, "Start to Create Your Financial Future."

    5. 3.3. Set Financial Goals for Your Future

    6. Open your workbook to reflect on this topic "Setting Financial Goals For Your Future."

    7. 3.4. Wrapping-up: Making the Right Financial Decisions.

    1. 4.1. Origins of Debt

    2. Open your workbook to reflect on this topic "The Origins of Debt."

    3. 4.2. Why Borrow?

    4. Open your workbook to reflect on this topic "Why Borrow?"

    5. 4.3. Becoming Debt Free

    6. 4.4. Becoming Debt Free - Application

    7. Open your workbook to reflect on this topic - "Becoming Debt Free!"

    8. 4.5. Wrapping-up: Becoming Debt Free

    1. 5.1. How Much is Enough? When is Enough, Enough?

    2. Open your workbook to reflect on this topic, "When is Enough, Enough?"

    3. 5.2. How Much is Enough? Set a Limit Line

    4. Open your workbook to reflect on the topic, "How Much is Enough? Set a Limit Line."

    5. 5.3. How Much Is Enough? Contentment is a Necessary Discipline

    6. Open your workbook to reflect on the topic, "How Much is Enough? Contentment is a necessary discipline."

    7. 5.4. Wrapping-up: How Much Is Enough?

About this course

  • €120,00
  • Our training series consists of 8 modules. Each module has 3 video teaching sessions plus application exercises.
  • Group sessions with moderator, and coaching sessions.
  • Each module uses a digital workbook for notes and answers to questions. The workbook is downloadable for future reference.

Discover what it means to be a financial disciple of Jesus

"A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher." (Luke 6:40)